Source code for symupy.utils.xmlgenerator

""" This module computes/modifies data for XML creation for the simulator 
from lxml import etree as ET
from .constants import (

[docs]def create_DCT_SIMULATION_INFO( title: str, simid: str, timestep: float, time_start: str, time_end: str, date: str, seed: int, cfl: str, flow: str, decel: bool, ) -> dict: """Computes dictionary DCT_SIMULATION_INFO header for XML file :param title: Simulation title :type title: str :param simid: Simulation ID :type simid: str :param timestep: time step (seconds) :type timestep: float :param time_start: start time H%:%M:%S :type time_start: str :param time_end: start time H%:%M:%S :type time_end: str :param date: simulation date Y%-%m-%d :type date: str :param seed: random seed :type seed: int :param cfl: car following law :type cfl: str :param flow: flow behaviour :type flow: str :param decel: deceleration procedure activation :type decel: bool :return: dictionary with metadata for xml creation :rtype: dict """ DCT_SIMULATION_INFO.update({"id": f"{simid}"}) DCT_SIMULATION_INFO.update({"pasdetemps": f"{str(timestep)}"}) DCT_SIMULATION_INFO.update({"debut": f"{time_start}"}) DCT_SIMULATION_INFO.update({"fin": f"{time_end}"}) DCT_SIMULATION_INFO.update({"loipoursuite": f"{cfl}"}) DCT_SIMULATION_INFO.update({"comportementflux": f"{flow}"}) DCT_SIMULATION_INFO.update({"date": f"{date}"}) DCT_SIMULATION_INFO.update({"titre": f"{title}"}) DCT_SIMULATION_INFO.update({"proc_deceleration": f"{str(decel).lower()}"}) DCT_SIMULATION_INFO.update({"seed": f"{str(seed)}"}) return DCT_SIMULATION_INFO
[docs]def create_DCT_NETWORK_INFO(networkid: str) -> dict: """Computes dictionary DCT_NETWORK_INFO for XML file :param networkid: network identifier :type networkid: str :return: dict :rtype: [type] """ DCT_NETWORK_INFO.update({"id": networkid}) return DCT_NETWORK_INFO
[docs]def create_DCT_TRAFIC_INFO( trafid: str, bounded_acc: bool = True, relaxation: float = 4, ghost_lanechange: bool = False, ) -> dict: """Computes dictionary DCT_TRAFIC_INFO for XML file :param trafid: traffic identifier :type trafid: str :param bounded_acc: bounds acceleration True/False :type bounded_acc: bool :param relaxation: relaxation coefficient lane change :type relaxation: float :param ghost_lanechange: keep lane change ghost True/False :type ghost_lanechange: bool :return: dictionary with metadata for xml creation :rtype: dict """ DCT_TRAFIC_INFO.update({"id": str(trafid)}) DCT_TRAFIC_INFO.update({"accbornee": str(bounded_acc)}) DCT_TRAFIC_INFO.update({"coeffrelax": str(relaxation)}) DCT_TRAFIC_INFO.update({"chgtvoie_ghost": str(ghost_lanechange)}) return DCT_TRAFIC_INFO
[docs]def create_DCT_EXPORT_INFO( trace_rout: bool = False, trajectories: bool = True, csv: bool = True ) -> dict: """Computes dictionary DCT_SCENARIO_INFO for XML file :param trace_rout: trace routes True/False :type trace_rout: bool :param trajectories: export trajectories True/False :type trajectories: bool :param csv: export trajectories in csv :type csv: bool :return: dictionary with metadata for xml creation :rtype: dict """ DCT_EXPORT_INFO.update({"trace_route": str(trace_rout).lower()}) DCT_EXPORT_INFO.update({"trajectoires": str(trajectories).lower()}) DCT_EXPORT_INFO.update({"csv": str(csv).lower()}) return DCT_EXPORT_INFO
[docs]def create_DCT_SCENARIO_INFO( scnid: str, dirout: str, prefout: str, dct_sim: dict, dct_traffic: dict, dct_network: dict, ) -> dict: """Computes dictionary DCT_SCENARIO_INFO for XML file :param scnid: Scenario identifier :type scnid: str :param dirout: Output directory :type dirout: str :param prefout: Prefix :type prefout: str :param dct_sim: DCT_SIMULATION_INFO :type dct_sim: dict :param dct_traffic: DCT_TRAFIC_INFO :type dct_traffic: dict :param dct_network: DCT_NETWORK_INFO :type dct_network: dict :return: dictionary with metadata for xml creation :rtype: dict """ DCT_SIMULATION_INFO.update({"id": f"{scnid}"}) DCT_SIMULATION_INFO.update({"simulation_id": f"{dirout}"}) DCT_SIMULATION_INFO.update({"trafic_id": f"{prefout}"}) DCT_SIMULATION_INFO.update({"reseau_id": f"{dct_sim.get('id')}"}) DCT_SIMULATION_INFO.update({"dirout": f"{dct_traffic.get('id')}"}) DCT_SIMULATION_INFO.update({"prefout": f"{dct_network.get('id')}"}) return DCT_SCENARIO_INFO
[docs]def fix_values(element: ET.ElementTree, dct_values: dict) -> ET.ElementTree: """Fix a set of values within a dictionary as attributes of an XML subelement :param element: XML tree element :type element: ET.ElementTree :param dct_values: attributes to fix :type dct_values: dict :return: Tranformed XML tree element :rtype: ET.ElementTree """ for k, v in dct_values.items(): element.set(k, v) return element
[docs]class XMLGenerator(object): """A class to handle XML generator for SymuFlow""" xmlns = "" namespace = "noNamespaceSchemaLocation" nsmap = {"xsi": xmlns} def __init__(self, path_xsd: str = ""): # Create a general scheme attr_qname = ET.QName(self.xmlns, self.namespace) self.root = ET.Element( "ROOT_SYMUBRUIT", {attr_qname: "reseau.xsd"}, version="2.05", nsmap=self.nsmap, )