Source code for symupy.utils.parser

Stream Parser
This module handles the Simulation response converting it into proper formats for querying data afterwards.

The parser object converts a request from the simulator into the correct format for the

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from ctypes import create_string_buffer
from typing import Union, Dict, List, Tuple
from collections import defaultdict

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from symupy.runtime.logic.publisher import Publisher
from symupy.tsc.vehicles import Vehicle, VehicleList
from symupy.parser.xmlparser import XMLTrajectory
from symupy.utils.exceptions import SymupyError
from symupy.utils.constants import BUFFER_STRING, FIELD_DATA, FIELD_FORMAT

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[docs]class SimulatorRequest(Publisher): def __init__(self, **kwargs): super().__init__(**kwargs) self.datatraj = XMLTrajectory(b"") def __repr__(self): return f"{self.__class__.__name__}()" def __str__(self): return ( "Sim Time: {}, VehInNetwork: {}".format( self.current_time, self.current_nbveh ) if self.data_query else "Simulation has not started" ) # ========================================================================= # MEMORY HANDLING # ========================================================================= @property def query(self): """String response from the simulator""" return self.datatraj._xml @query.setter def query(self, response: bytes): self.datatraj = XMLTrajectory(response) for c in self._channels: self.dispatch(c) @property def current_time(self) -> float: return self.datatraj.inst @property def current_nbveh(self) -> int: return self.datatraj.nbveh @property def data_query(self): """Direct parsing from the string buffer Returns: simdata (OrderedDict): Simulator data parsed from XML """ return self.datatraj.todict # ========================================================================= # METHODS # =========================================================================
[docs] def get_vehicle_data(self) -> tuple: """Extracts vehicles information from simulators response Returns: t_veh_data (list): list of dictionaries containing vehicle data with correct formatting """ return self.data_query
[docs] def get_vehicles_property(self, property_key: str) -> tuple: """Extracts a specific property and returns a tuple containing this property for all vehicles in the buffer string Args: property_key (str): one of the following options abscissa, acceleration, distance, elevation, lane, link, ordinate, speed, vehid, vehtype, Returns: values (tuple): tuple with corresponding values e.g (0,1), (0,),(None,) """ return tuple(x.get(property_key) for x in self.data_query)
[docs] def filter_vehicle_property(self, property: str, *args): """Filter out a property for a subset of vehicles Args: property (str): one of the following options abscissa, acceleration, distance, elevation, lane, link, ordinate, speed, vehid, vehtype, vehids (int): separate the ``vehid`` via commas to get the corresponding property """ if args: sargs = set(args) vehids = set(self.get_vehicles_property("vehid")) fin_ids = vehids.intersection(sargs) return tuple( veh.get(property) for veh in self.get_vehicle_data() if veh.get("vehid") in fin_ids ) return self.get_vehicles_property(property)
[docs] def get_vehicle_properties(self, vehid: int) -> dict: """Return all properties for a given vehicle id Returns: vehdata (dict): Dictionary with all vehicle properties """ data = self.get_vehicle_data() for v in data: if v["vehid"] == vehid: return v return {}
[docs] def is_vehicle_in_network(self, vehid: int, *args) -> bool: """True if veh id is in the network at current state, for multiple arguments. True if all veh ids are in the network. Args: vehid (int): Integer of vehicle id, comma separated if testing for multiple Returns: present (bool): True if vehicle is in the network otherwise false. """ all_vehs = self.get_vehicles_property("vehid") if not args: return vehid in all_vehs vehids = set((vehid, *args)) return set(vehids).issubset(set(all_vehs))
[docs] def is_vehicle_driven(self, vehid: int) -> bool: """Returns true if the vehicle state is exposed to a driven state Args: vehid (str): vehicle id Returns: driven (bool): True if veh is driven """ if self.is_vehicle_in_network(vehid): forced = tuple( veh.get("driven") == True for veh in self.get_vehicle_data() if veh.get("vehid") == vehid ) return any(forced) return False
[docs] def vehicle_downstream_of(self, vehid: int) -> tuple: """Get ids of vehicles downstream to vehid Args: vehid (str): vehicle id Returns: vehid (tuple): vehicles downstream of vehicle id """ link = self.filter_vehicle_property("link", vehid)[0] vehpos = self.filter_vehicle_property("distance", vehid)[0] vehids = set(self.vehicles_in_link(link)) neigh = vehids.difference(set((vehid,))) neighpos = self.filter_vehicle_property("distance", *neigh) return tuple(nbh for nbh, npos in zip(neigh, neighpos) if npos > vehpos)
[docs] def vehicle_upstream_of(self, vehid: str) -> tuple: """Get ids of vehicles upstream to vehid Args: vehid (str): vehicle id Returns: vehid (tuple): vehicles upstream of vehicle id """ link = self.filter_vehicle_property("link", vehid)[0] vehpos = self.filter_vehicle_property("distance", vehid)[0] vehids = set(self.vehicles_in_link(link)) neigh = vehids.difference(set((vehid,))) neighpos = self.filter_vehicle_property("distance", *neigh) return tuple(nbh for nbh, npos in zip(neigh, neighpos) if npos < vehpos)