Source code for symupy.utils.configurator

"""This module contains a ``Configurator`` object.
    The configurator is an object that stores *parameters* that can be
    relevant to make the evolution of a simulation. The objective is to
    introduce flexibility when configuring the the simulator platform
    and the runtime execution possibilities offered by exposed functions
    from the c library of SymuFlow
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from ctypes import create_string_buffer, c_bool, c_char
from dataclasses import dataclass
import click
from symupy.utils.screen import log_verify

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from symupy.utils.constants import (

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[docs]@dataclass class Configurator: """Configurator class for containing specific simulator parameters Example: To use the ``Simulator`` declare in a string the ``path`` to the simulator :: >>> path = "path/to/libSymuyVia.dylib" >>> simulator = Configurator(library_path = path) Args: library_path (str): Absolute path towards the simulator library bufferSize (int): Size of the buffer for message for data received from simulator write_xml (bool): Flag to turn on writting the XML output trace_flow (bool): Flag to determine tracing or not the flow / trajectories total_steps (int): Define the number of iterations of a simulation step_launch_mode (str): Determine to way to launch the ``RunStepEx``. Options ``lite``/``full`` :return: Configurator object with simulation parameters :rtype: Configurator """ buffer_string: c_char = create_string_buffer(BUFFER_STRING) write_xml: c_bool = c_bool(WRITE_XML) trace_flow: bool = TRACE_FLOW library_path: str = DEFAULT_PATH_SYMUFLOW total_steps: int = TOTAL_SIMULATION_STEPS step_launch_mode: str = LAUNCH_MODE def __init__(self, **kwargs) -> None: """Configurator class for containing specific simulator parameter Args: library_path (str): Absolute path towards the simulator library bufferSize (int): Size of the buffer for message for data received from simulator write_xml (bool): Flag to turn on writting the XML output trace_flow (bool): Flag to determine tracing or not the flow / trajectories total_steps (int): Define the number of iterations of a simulation step_launch_mode (str): Determine to way to launch the ``RunStepEx``. Options ``lite``/``full`` """ click.echo("Configurator: Initialization") for key, value in kwargs.items(): setattr(self, key, value) try: if kwargs["library_path"] != DEFAULT_PATH_SYMUFLOW: log_verify("Using user defined library path: ", kwargs["library_path"],) except KeyError: log_verify("Using default defined library path") finally: return def __repr__(self): data_dct = ", ".join(f"{k}={v}" for k, v in self.__dict__.items()) return f"{self.__class__.__name__}({data_dct})" def __str__(self): data_dct = "Configuration status:\n " + "\n ".join( f"{k}: {v}" for k, v in self.__dict__.items() ) return f"{data_dct}"