Source code for symupy.runtime.api.scenario

**Scenario Module**

    This module contains descriptions that stablish a traffic scenario. A traffic scenario 
    is regularly described by a simulation object that points towards properties of the simulator. 

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import os
from lxml import etree
from datetime import datetime

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from symupy.utils.exceptions import SymupyFileLoadError
from symupy.utils.constants import HOUR_FORMAT

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[docs]class Simulation(object): def __init__(self, file_name: str) -> None: if os.path.exists(file_name): self._file_name = file_name self.load_xml_tree() else: raise SymupyFileLoadError("File not found", file_name) def __repr__(self): return f"{self.__class__.__name__}({self.filename()})"
[docs] def load_xml_tree(self) -> None: """Load XML file_name""" # TODO: Add validation with DTD tree = etree.parse(self._file_name) root = tree.getroot() self._xml_tree = root
@property def xmltree(self): return self._xml_tree @xmltree.setter def xmltree(self, rootxml): self._xml_tree = rootxml
[docs] def get_simulation_parameters(self) -> tuple: """Get simulation parameters :return: tuple with XML dictionary containing parameters :rtype: tuple """ branch_tree = "SIMULATIONS" sim_params = self.xmltree.xpath(branch_tree)[0].getchildren() return tuple(par.attrib for par in sim_params)
[docs] def get_vehicletype_information(self) -> tuple: """Get the vehicle parameters :return: tuple of dictionaries containing vehicle parameters :rtype: tuple """ branch_tree = "TRAFICS/TRAFIC/TYPES_DE_VEHICULE" vehicle_types = self.xmltree.xpath(branch_tree)[0].getchildren() return tuple(v.attrib for v in vehicle_types)
[docs] def get_network_endpoints(self) -> tuple: """Get networks endpoint names :return: tuple containing endpoint names :rtype: tuple """ branch_tree = "TRAFICS/TRAFIC/EXTREMITES" end_points = self.xmltree.xpath(branch_tree)[0].getchildren() return tuple(ep.attrib["id"] for ep in end_points)
[docs] def get_simulation_steps(self, simid: int = 0) -> range: """Get simulation steps for an simulation. specify the simulation id via an integer value :param simid: simulation id , defaults to 0 :type simid: int, optional :return: :rtype: range """ t1 = datetime.strptime( self.get_simulation_parameters()[simid].get("debut"), HOUR_FORMAT ) t2 = datetime.strptime( self.get_simulation_parameters()[simid].get("fin"), HOUR_FORMAT ) t = t2 - t1 n = t.seconds / float(self.get_simulation_parameters()[simid].get("pasdetemps")) return range(int(n))
[docs] def get_mfd_sensor_names(self) -> tuple: """Get MFD sensors defined for a specific simulation :return: tuple of MFD sensors in the network :rtype: tuple """ branch_tree = "TRAFICS/TRAFIC/PARAMETRAGE_CAPTEURS/CAPTEURS" sensors = self.xmltree.xpath(branch_tree)[0].getchildren() return tuple(sn.attrib["id"] for sn in sensors)
def __contains__(self, value: tuple) -> bool: # REVIEW: Implement? in method? maybe useful raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def filename(self, encoding: str = None): """ This method returns the value of encoding of the simulation scenario under consideration :param encoding: enconder UTF8, defaults to None :type encoding: string, optional :return: Full path of scenario :rtype: string """ if encoding == "UTF8": return self._file_name.encode(encoding) return self._file_name
@property def time_step(self): return float(self.get_simulation_parameters()[0].get("pasdetemps"))