Source code for symupy.plugins.reader.symuflow

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import types
import numpy as np
import os
from collections import OrderedDict, Counter
from functools import cached_property, lru_cache

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from symupy.tsc.journey import Path, State, Trip
from import Network
from symupy.parser.xmlparser import XMLParser
from symupy.utils.exceptions import SymupyWarning
from symupy.utils.time import Date
from symupy.abstractions.reader import AbstractNetworkReader, AbstractTrafficDataReader

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[docs]class SymuFlowNetworkReader(AbstractNetworkReader): """Short summary. Parameters ---------- file : type Description of parameter `file`. remove_comments : type Description of parameter `remove_comments`. Attributes ---------- _file : type Description of attribute `_file`. _parser : type Description of attribute `_parser`. _prefix : type Description of attribute `_prefix`. _id : type Description of attribute `_id`. _ext : type Description of attribute `_ext`. """ _ext = "xml" def __init__(self, file, remove_comments=True): super().__init__() assert file.split(".")[-1] == "xml" self._file = file self._parser = XMLParser(self._file) root = self._parser.get_root() if root.tag == "OUT": self._prefix = "OUT/IN" elif root.tag == "ROOT_SYMUBRUIT": self._prefix = "ROOT_SYMUBRUIT" self._id = self._parser.xpath(f"{self._prefix}/RESEAUX/RESEAU/@id") @cached_property def _links(self): return self._parser.xpath(f"{self._prefix}/RESEAUX/RESEAU/TRONCONS") @cached_property def _sensors(self): return self._parser.xpath( f"{self._prefix}/TRAFICS/TRAFIC/PARAMETRAGE_CAPTEURS/CAPTEURS" ) @cached_property def _termination_zones(self): return self._parser.xpath(f"{self._prefix}/TRAFICS/TRAFIC/ZONES_DE_TERMINAISON") @cached_property def _public_transport(self): return self._parser.xpath( f"{self._prefix}/RESEAUX/RESEAU/PARAMETRAGE_VEHICULES_GUIDES/LIGNES_TRANSPORT_GUIDEES" ) @cached_property def _repartiteur(self): return self._parser.xpath( f"{self._prefix}/RESEAUX/RESEAU/CONNEXIONS/REPARTITEURS" ) @cached_property def _parking(self): return self._parser.xpath(f"{self._prefix}/TRAFICS/TRAFIC/PARKINGS") @cached_property def _carrefourfeux(self): return self._parser.xpath( f"{self._prefix}/RESEAUX/RESEAU/CONNEXIONS/CARREFOURSAFEUX" ) @cached_property def _giratoire(self): return self._parser.xpath( f"{self._prefix}/RESEAUX/RESEAU/CONNEXIONS/GIRATOIRES" ) @cached_property def _extremity(self): return self._parser.xpath( f"{self._prefix}/RESEAUX/RESEAU/CONNEXIONS/EXTREMITES" )
[docs] def get_network(self): troncons = self.iter_links() net = Network(self._id) try: parents = [ ("CARREFOURAFEUX", "_carrefourfeux"), ("REPARTITEUR", "_repartiteur"), ("GIRATOIRE", "_giratoire"), ("EXTREMITE", "_extremity"), ("PARKING", "_parking"), ] for parent, prop in parents: [ net.add_node(elem.attr["id"], parent) for elem in getattr(self, prop).iterchildren() ] except AttributeError: SymupyWarning(f"Parameter {parent} not found") pass for tr in troncons: net.add_link( tr.attr["id"], tr.attr["id_eltamont"], tr.attr["id_eltaval"], np.fromstring(tr.attr["extremite_amont"], sep=" "), np.fromstring(tr.attr["extremite_aval"], sep=" "), ) if "vit_reg" in tr.attr.keys(): net.links[tr.attr["id"]]["speed_limit"] = float(tr.attr["vit_reg"]) internal_points = tr.find_children_tag("POINTS_INTERNES") if internal_points is not None: elt = internal_points.getchildrens() net.links[tr.attr["id"]]["internal_points"] = np.array( [ np.fromstring(e.attr["coordonnees"], sep=" ") for e in elt if "coordonnees" in e.attr.keys() ] ) for id in self.info_sensors(): net.add_sensor(id, list(self.iter_sensor(id))) for id in self.info_termination_zones(): net.add_termination_zone(id, list(self.iter_termination_zones(id))) return net
[docs] def nb_troncons(self): troncons = self._links size = len(troncons.getchildrens()) return size
[docs] def info_sensors(self): if self._sensors is not None: return {cpt.attr["id"]: cpt.tag for cpt in self._sensors.iterchildrens()} else: return dict()
[docs] def iter_sensor(self, id): if self._sensors is not None: cpt = self._sensors.find_children_attr("id", id) if "troncon" in cpt.attr.keys(): yield cpt.attr["troncon"] return else: troncons = cpt.find_children_tag("TRONCONS").iterchildrens() for tr in troncons: yield tr.attr["id"] else: yield from ()
[docs] def info_termination_zones(self): if self._termination_zones is not None: return [zn.attr["id"] for zn in self._termination_zones.iterchildrens()] else: return list()
[docs] def iter_termination_zones(self, id): if self._termination_zones is not None: zn = self._termination_zones.find_children_attr("id", id) troncons = zn.find_children_tag("TRONCONS").iterchildrens() for tr in troncons: yield tr.attr["id"] else: yield from ()
[docs] def info_public_transport(self): if self._public_transport is not None: return [pt.attr["id"] for pt in self._public_transport] else: return list()
[docs] def iter_public_transport(self, id): if self._public_transport is not None: pt = self._public_transport.find_children_attr("id", id) troncons = pt.find_children_tag("TRONCONS").iterchildrens() for tr in troncons: yield tr.attr["id"] else: yield from ()
[docs]class SymuFlowTrafficDataReader(AbstractTrafficDataReader): """Reader for output of SymuFlow simulation. Parameters ---------- traficdatafile : str Path to the SymuFlow output xml file. lru_cache_size : int Description of parameter `lru_cache_size`. Attributes ---------- _file : type Description of attribute `_file`. parser : type Description of attribute `parser`. _inst : type Description of attribute `_inst`. _vehs : type Description of attribute `_vehs`. _get_ids_from_inst : type Description of attribute `_get_ids_from_inst`. _ext : type Description of attribute `_ext`. """ _ext = "xml" def __init__(self, traficdatafile, lru_cache_size=None): super().__init__() self._file = traficdatafile self.parser = XMLParser(self._file) sim = self.parser.xpath("OUT/SIMULATION") for elem in sim.iterchildrens(): if elem.tag == "INSTANTS": self._inst = elem elif elem.tag == "VEHS": self._vehs = elem break self._start_sim = Date(sim.attr["debut"]) self.get_ids_from_inst = lru_cache(maxsize=lru_cache_size)( self._get_ids_from_inst ) self.get_veh_element = lru_cache(maxsize=lru_cache_size)(self._get_veh_element) def _get_veh_element(self, vehid): return self._vehs.find_children_attr("id", str(vehid)) def _get_states(self, vehid): states = list() for inst in self._inst.iterchildrens(): trajs = self.get_ids_from_inst(inst) if vehid in trajs.keys(): vehtraj = trajs[vehid] abs = float(vehtraj.attr["abs"]) ord = float(vehtraj.attr["ord"]) acc = float(vehtraj.attr["acc"]) vit = float(vehtraj.attr["vit"]) voie = int(vehtraj.attr["voie"]) curv_pos = float(vehtraj.attr["dst"]) tron = vehtraj.attr["tron"] time = Date(float(inst.attr["val"])) + self._start_sim states.append( State( time=time, absolute_position=np.array([abs, ord]), curvilinear_abscissa=curv_pos, acceleration=acc, speed=vit, lane=voie, link=tron, ) ) return states
[docs] def get_OD(self, origin, destination, start_period=None, end_period=None): OD = (origin, destination) result = list() if start_period is None and end_period is None: for el in self._vehs.iterchildrens(): if OD == (el.attr["entree"], el.attr["sortie"]): veh_el = self.get_veh_element(el.attr["id"]) path = Path(veh_el.attr["itineraire"].split(" ")) result.append(path) else: start = Date(start_period) end = Date(end_period) for el in self._vehs.iterchildrens(): inst = ( Date(float(el.attr.get("instE", el.attr["instC"]))) + self._start_sim ) if OD == (el.attr["entree"], el.attr["sortie"]) and ( start <= inst <= end ): veh_el = self.get_veh_element(el.attr["id"]) path = Path(veh_el.attr["itineraire"].split(" ")) result.append(path) return result
[docs] def count_OD(self, period=None): if period is None: c = Counter( [ (el.attr["entree"], el.attr["sortie"]) for el in self._vehs.iterchildrens() ] ) else: start = Date(period[0]) end = Date(period[1]) c = Counter( [ (el.attr["entree"], el.attr["sortie"]) for el in self._vehs.iterchildrens() if start <= Date(float(el.attr.get("instE", el.attr["instC"]))) + self._start_sim <= end ] ) return c
[docs] def get_trip(self, vehid): states = self._get_states(vehid) veh_el = self.get_veh_element(vehid) path = Path(veh_el.attr["itineraire"].split(" ")) origin = veh_el.attr["entree"] dest = veh_el.attr["sortie"] departure_time = veh_el.attr.get("instE") arrival_time = veh_el.attr["instS"] return Trip( states=states, path=path, departure_time=departure_time, arrival_time=arrival_time, origin=origin, destination=dest, vehicle=vehid, )
[docs] def get_path(self, vehid): veh_el = self.get_veh_element(vehid) path = Path(veh_el.attr["itineraire"].split(" ")) return path
[docs] def clear_cache(self): self.get_ids_from_inst.cache_clear() self.get_veh_element.cache_clear()
[docs] def _get_ids_from_inst(self, inst): """From XMLElement of INSTANT return a dict of TRAJ. Parameters ---------- inst : symupy.parser.xmlparser.XMLElement XMLElement of tag INSTANT Returns ------- dict dict with veh id as key and TRAJ XMLElement as value """ trajs = inst.find_children_tag("TRAJS") return {el.attr["id"]: el for el in trajs.iterchildrens()}
if __name__ == "__main__": import symupy import os # file = os.path.dirname(symupy.__file__)+'/../tests/mocks/bottlenecks/bottleneck_001.xml' file = "/Users/florian.gacon/Work/SymuTools/data/ref_153000_163000_traf.xml" reader = SymuFlowTrafficDataReader(file) c = reader.get_OD(("A_Init_L1_OE", "CAF_Laf_Duguesclin")) c = reader.count_OD() cp = reader.count_OD(("15:30:00", "15:30:05")) # t1 = reader.get_trip('1') # E_Moliere_S, S_Crequi_N # 15:30:00, 15:30:05