Source code for symupy.parser.xmlparser

XML Parser
A generic parser for XML files.

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import re
from functools import cache, cached_property
from typing import Pattern
from symupy.utils.constants import FIELD_FORMAT, FIELD_DATA

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[docs]class XMLElement: pattern_tag = re.compile("(?<=<)(\w+)(?=>|\s|\/)") pattern_comment = re.compile("^<!(.*)>$") pattern_args = re.compile('\s([a-zA-Z0-9_:]+)="(.*?)"') pattern_childrens = re.compile("\/>$") def __init__(self, line, pos, filename, linenum): self._filename = filename self._pos = pos self.tag = XMLElement.pattern_tag.findall(line)[0] self.attr = {key: val for key, val in XMLElement.pattern_args.findall(line)} self.sourceline = linenum if XMLElement.pattern_childrens.findall(line): self._has_childrens = False else: self._has_childrens = True
[docs] def iterchildrens(self): linenum = self.sourceline with open(self._filename) as f: f.readline() if self._has_childrens: linenum += 1 line = f.readline().strip() while not any( bool(x) for x in [ re.findall(self._end_tag(self.tag), line), re.findall(self._startend_tag(self.tag), line), ] ): # Checking if line is a comment or blank if not XMLElement.pattern_comment.findall(line) and line != "": new_tag = XMLElement.pattern_tag.findall(line)[0] end_tag = re.compile(f"<\/{new_tag}>") if re.findall(self._startend_tag(new_tag), line): pos = f.tell() - (len(line) + 2) yield XMLElement(line, pos, self._filename, linenum) elif re.findall(self._start_tag(new_tag), line): pos = f.tell() - (len(line) + 2) keep_line = line keepnum = linenum while True: linenum += 1 line = f.readline().strip() if end_tag.findall(line): break yield XMLElement(keep_line, pos, self._filename, keepnum) else: break linenum += 1 line = f.readline().strip() else: yield from ()
[docs] def getchildrens(self): return list(self.iterchildrens())
[docs] def find_children_tag(self, tag): for child in self.iterchildrens(): if child.tag == tag: return child
[docs] def find_children_attr(self, attr, val): for child in self.iterchildrens(): if attr in child.attr.keys(): if child.attr[attr] == val: return child
def _start_tag(self, tag): return f"<{tag}.*>" def _end_tag(self, tag): return f"<\/{tag}>" def _startend_tag(self, tag): return f"^<{tag}.*\/>" def __repr__(self): return f"XMLElement({self.tag}, {self.attr.__repr__()})" def __hash__(self): return hash((self._filename, self.sourceline)) def __eq__(self, another): return ( self.sourceline == another.sourceline and self._filename == another._filename )
[docs]class XMLParser(object): def __init__(self, filename): self._filename = filename
[docs] def get_elem(self, elem): linenum = 1 with open(self._filename, "r") as f: line = f.readline() while line: if re.findall(f"(?<=<){elem}(?=>|\s|\/)", line): pos = f.tell() - len(line) return XMLElement(line.strip(), pos, self._filename, linenum) linenum += 1 line = f.readline()
[docs] def xpath(self, path): tags = path.split("/") elem = self.get_elem(tags[0]) for t in tags[1:]: if t[0] == "@": return elem.attr[t[1:]] elif elem is None: return else: elem = elem.find_children_tag(t) return elem
[docs] def get_root(self): linenum = 1 with open(self._filename, "r") as f: line = f.readline() # Check first elem in XML but ignore header and comment while not re.findall("^<[^\?|!](.*)>$", line): linenum += 1 line = f.readline() pos = f.tell() - len(line) return XMLElement(line.strip(), pos, self._filename, linenum)
PATTERN = { "abs": re.compile(r'abs="(.*?)"'), "acc": re.compile(r'acc="(.*?)"'), "dst": re.compile(r'dst="(.*?)"'), "etat_pilotage": re.compile(r'dst="([\d\.]*?)"( etat_pilotage=".*?")? id="(.*?)"'), "id": re.compile(r'id="(\d+)"'), "ord": re.compile(r'ord="(.*?)"'), "tron": re.compile(r'tron="(.*?)"'), "type": re.compile(r'tron="(.*?)" type="(.*?)" vit="(.*?)"'), "vit": re.compile(r'vit="(.*?)"'), "voie": re.compile(r'voie="(.*?)"'), "z": re.compile(r'z="(.*?)"'), "traj": re.compile( r'abs="(.*?)" acc="(.*?)" dst="([\d\.]*?)"( etat_pilotage=".*?")? id="(.*?)" ord="(.*?)" tron="(.*?)" type="(.*?)" vit="(.*?)" voie="(.*?)" z="(.*?)"' ), "inst": re.compile(r'val="(.*?)"'), "nbveh": re.compile(r'nbVeh="(.*?)"'), "extract_traj_balise": re.compile('<TRAJS>(.*?)<\/TRAJS>') } CAV_TYPE = tuple(value for key, value in FIELD_FORMAT.items())
[docs]class XMLTrajectory: """Model object for a trajectory, it can be created from a xml and contains trajectories for a set of vehicles.""" aliases = { "abscissa": "abs", "acceleration": "acc", "distance": "dst", "elevation": "z", "lane": "voie", "link": "tron", "ordinate": "ord", "speed": "vit", "vehid": "id", "vehtype": "type", } def __init__(self, xml: bytes): self._xml = xml.decode("UTF8") self._trajs = '' if len(self._xml)>0: pattern = PATTERN['extract_traj_balise'].findall(self._xml) if len(pattern)>0: self._trajs = pattern[0] def __getattr__(self, name): if name == "aliases": raise AttributeError # name = self.aliases.get(name, name) return object.__getattribute__(self, name) @cached_property def abs(self) -> tuple: """`abs` cached values for all vehicles in network Returns: tuple: cached `abs` values """ abs = tuple( map( lambda x: FIELD_FORMAT["abs"](x.replace(',', '.')), PATTERN.get("abs").findall(self._trajs), ) ) return dict(zip(, abs)) @cached_property def acc(self): """`acceleration` cached values for all vehicles in network Returns: tuple: cached `acc` values """ acc = tuple(map(FIELD_FORMAT["acc"], PATTERN.get("acc").findall(self._trajs))) return dict(zip(, acc)) @cached_property def dst(self): """`distance` cached values for all vehicles in network Returns: tuple: cached `dst` values """ dst = tuple(map(FIELD_FORMAT["dst"], PATTERN.get("dst").findall(self._trajs))) return dict(zip(, dst)) @cached_property def driven(self): """alias for `etat_pilotage`""" return self.etat_pilotage @cached_property def etat_pilotage(self): """`etat_pilotage` cached values for all vehicles in network Returns: tuple: cached `etat_pilotage` values """ drv = PATTERN.get("etat_pilotage").findall(self._trajs) if drv: drv = tuple(map(FIELD_FORMAT["etat_pilotage"], [x[1] for x in drv])) return dict(zip(, drv)) @cached_property def id(self): """Vehicle `id` cached values for all vehicles in network Returns: tuple: cached `id` values """ return tuple( map( FIELD_FORMAT["id"], [x for x in PATTERN.get("id").findall(self._trajs)], ) ) @cached_property def ord(self): """`ordinate` cached values for all vehicles in network Returns: tuple: cached `ord` values """ ord = tuple(map(lambda x: FIELD_FORMAT["ord"](x.replace(',', '.')), PATTERN.get("ord").findall(self._trajs))) return dict(zip(, ord)) @cached_property def tron(self): """`link` cached values for all vehicles in network Returns: tuple: cached `tron` values """ tron = tuple(PATTERN.get("tron").findall(self._trajs)) return dict(zip(, tron)) @cached_property def type(self): """Vehicle `type` cached values for all vehicles in network Returns: tuple: cached `type` values """ types = tuple(x[1] for x in PATTERN.get("type").findall(self._trajs)) return dict(zip(, types)) @cached_property def vit(self): """`speed` cached values for all vehicles in network Returns: tuple: cached `vit` values """ vit = [FIELD_FORMAT["vit"](vit.replace(',', '.')) for vit in PATTERN.get("vit").findall(self._trajs)] return dict(zip(, vit)) @cached_property def voie(self): """`lane` cached values for all vehicles in network Returns: tuple: cached `voie` values """ voie = tuple(map(FIELD_FORMAT["voie"], PATTERN.get("voie").findall(self._trajs))) return dict(zip(, voie)) @cached_property def z(self): """`elevation` cached values for all vehicles in network Returns: tuple: cached `z` values """ z = tuple(map(float, PATTERN.get("z").findall(self._trajs))) return dict(zip(, z)) @cached_property def traj(self): """Trajectory cached values for all vehicles in network Returns: tuple: cached `traj` values """ return tuple( XMLTrajectory._typeconvert(x) for x in PATTERN.get("traj").findall(self._trajs) ) @cached_property def inst(self): """`val` simulation time instant for current trajectory Returns: float: simulation time """ return float(PATTERN.get("inst").findall(self._xml)[0]) @cached_property def nbveh(self): """`nbveh` simulation time instant for current trajectory Returns: int: number of vehicles """ return int(PATTERN.get("nbveh").findall(self._xml)[0]) @cached_property def todict(self): """Converts to dictionary any of the data in the """ # Relies on order return tuple(dict(zip(FIELD_DATA.values(), x)) for x in self.traj) @classmethod def _typeconvert(cls, data: tuple): return tuple(a(b) for a, b in zip(CAV_TYPE, data))
if __name__ == "__main__": import symupy import os file = ( os.path.dirname(symupy.__file__) + "/../tests/mocks/bottlenecks/bottleneck_001.xml" ) parser = XMLParser(file) root = parser.get_root()